My third younger brother has finally graduated after 4 years of painstaking exams and assignments. One year after earning his own money as an engineer somewhere in KL, he finally got to attend his convocation ceremony, which was most awaited by my parents especially. So ,off we went to Kuantan or University Malaysia Pahang, to be precised and witnessed his very proud moments to be handed his precious degree as an engineer, the first one in the family. Then later on that night, we had a little celebration of "makan-makan" (what else!) at the "not so comfy" chalet area at Cherating Beach. Here are some photos of the event or vacation...
With the whole family... Me n brothers
Makan2 @ Cherating Beach
Lunch @ The Black Stone Beach,Cherating...
The kids with mommy n daddy...
Congrats! Err... he looks differentla from all other siblings, kan?
wahhh..tahniah, sbb hari tu jugak sy grad.. tapi dip je..huhu.. hidup UMP..ahakss..
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