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I can be very jovial and talkative at times and if you are unlucky, you'll find a moody me.Be humble and down to earth is what I was taught to be.I do not know what my future will turn out to be, but for now I am enjoying the life that God has bestowed upon me!


Thursday, July 31, 2008


Besides the lovely flowers, my hubby also bought me a pair of Nike shoes...and I actually get to choose the one that I like best.There's a hidden agenda behind the sport shoes..he wants me to work out more and burn more calories!!
He even bought a pair of snickers for himself as a motivation for him to accompany me for a jog after work..well, unlike me, he is really a sports person..always looking forward for futsal or football matches,golf tournaments and stuff.
He is a fan of Nike's merchandise and so he insisted that I wear something Nike as well...The Nike fewer is on..we are ready to take up the challenge..ceiwah,iya lah tu!!

1 comment:

dazefaculty said...

jogging vin..jgn tak jogging..