Guava is one of the best fruits available. Guava is cholesterol, saturated and sodium free, plus low in fat and calories. Guava is high in fiber.The edibile rind of a guava contains 5 times more vitamin C than an orange. Guava,like other tropical fruits should not be refrigerated unless over ripe. The seeds of a guava can be eaten and the taste is often described as a cross between pears and strawberries.
Guava is a great fruit because it contains key nutrients like: vitamin C,(vitamin A),folate, potassium, fiber, calcium and iron. Good quality guavas should be firm and free of bruises. Ripe guavas should exhibit a fragrant fruity aroma. They will continue to ripen after harvest and should be stored at room temperature.Unless it is very ripe,it should be refrigerated.Lets GUAVA guys !!!
1 comment:
ya allah.. tak tau pon ade blog! btw, hahahaha what a small world. how's asbjb? i've never been there actually. rajin2 didik anak felda okie? :) take care evin
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